You may participate in this work in the following ways:
• Contribute an interview for the podcast series
In your family and social circle and work place consider Iranian women who are around 70 or older, and ask them if they are interested in having a recorded conversation with you about their life and observations. Participants may include their name or remain anonymous. The primary language of the podcast is Farsi. If you need to conduct the interview in another Iranian language or dialect, please contact me to discuss this. To receive a DIY interview guide, please contact me.
If you belong to the generation that is the focus of this project and would like to add your voice to this collection, you may ask someone else to interview you or you may use the Interview Guide to help you record yourself talking about your experience.
• Contribute to the Image archive
I hope to establish an image archive that documents women’s presence in public and private spheres. Look through your photo albums or the photos of the interviewees and older women in your circles. Select photos that are interesting and important to you and you are able to provide a short commentary about them. For more information on images and technical specifications, please contact me.
• Support us in these technical areas
If you have computer programming, administrative or social media skills, or if you are fluent in languages other than Farsi, I welcome your contribution in the following areas:
– Customization of the project website to create an accessible database
– Reviewing and archiving interviews and images
– Outreach and publicity about the project through social media
– Translating material in other languages to or from Farsi or English
Contact me to discuss how you can contribute to the work.
I have received a lot of support and encouragement for this project. However, the actual production, for the most part, has been a solo endeavour. I welcome your practical contributions and support.